Aflevering 113: The Entity HouseNikki Tondeleir5 mei 20241 minuten om te lezenHet fotografisch "bewijs":De poging tot debunken van de vorige foto:Nuttige links:The ‘True’ Story behind The Entity: Untangling Hollywood Horror | Skeptical InquirerA Closer Look at the Entity Photographs | Skeptical InquirerDoris Bither The Real Entity - Ghostwatch N. America - Ghostwatch Paranormal Network"The Entity" haunting: The true story of Doris Bither - Ghost Theory
Het fotografisch "bewijs":De poging tot debunken van de vorige foto:Nuttige links:The ‘True’ Story behind The Entity: Untangling Hollywood Horror | Skeptical InquirerA Closer Look at the Entity Photographs | Skeptical InquirerDoris Bither The Real Entity - Ghostwatch N. America - Ghostwatch Paranormal Network"The Entity" haunting: The true story of Doris Bither - Ghost Theory